
Catherine Rutter

AKA Cat, Smidge, Foggy
Marketing & Admin Support
Personality Type:
ENFP (Campaigner)
Years in Marketing:
Quote you live by:
Favourite Quote No matter what you do, your job is to tell a story

Catherine has an amazing eye for the most astounding visual content. Without a doubt, her creative style reflects her love for storytelling.

Not only is she amazing at videography, Catherine also wears our marketing and admin support hats because those are her jams too! She may have slowed down a little on videography for now, and focused on the latter two, but we're excited for when she's ready to take up videography again. She always saves the day when she does her Chewbacca impersonation (ask her when you meet her!), and when she fills up the room with her warmth and kindness.

Why marketing? I'm interested in marketing and videography because i believe in telling a story...if a picture is worth a thousand words what would a video be worth?

How do you want people to remember you? Always trying to make people react (in a positive way)...laughing, smiling, surprised...whatever. I like telling stories.

What is on your bucket list? To see Coldplay live!

TV Show you could watch again and again? Friends - "JOEY DOESN'T SHARE FOOD!"

Posts written by

Catherine Rutter

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