This blog breaks down the most common formats to help you understand when to use each one for print, web, and design.

Which Logo File Format Should I Use?

Your logo is the face of your brand, representing your business across various mediums. Choosing the right logo format is crucial for effective marketing and branding. In this post, we'll clarify the differences between common logo formats—JPG, PDF, EPS, PNG, and SVG—and explain when and how to use them effectively for print, web, or other applications.

What Are Logo Formats?

Logo formats are file types that define how your logo is saved and displayed. The most common formats are JPG (JPEG), PDF, EPS, PNG, and SVG, each offering unique characteristics. Understanding these differences helps ensure your logo remains consistent, clear, and effective, regardless of where it's used.

Why Are Logo Formats Important?

Selecting the right logo format impacts how your brand appears online and in print. A logo that appears blurry or poorly aligned can detract from your brand’s credibility. A wrong choice can lead to reduced quality, loss of transparency, or difficulties in scaling. Choosing a suitable format can:

  1. Enhance brand consistency across platforms.
  2. Preserve visual quality and colour integrity.
  3. Ensure scalability for different sizes and mediums.

Breakdown of Logo Formats


  • Best for: Web and social media.
  • Description: Compressed format ideal for online use with no transparency. It reduces file size but sacrifices some quality.
  • Users: Clients for quick online sharing, web developers for easy uploads.


  • Best for: Print materials, especially those requiring high resolution.
  • Description: Vector-based, preserving quality. Contains editable layers for designers.
  • Users: Designers, printers, and suppliers needing scalable logos for physical products.


  • Best for: Large-scale printing, merchandise, and editable designs.
  • Description: Vector-based, high-quality format compatible with professional design software.
  • Users: Designers for editing, printers for physical product applications.


  • Best for: Web graphics, presentations, and merchandise mockups.
  • Description: Lossless format supporting transparency, perfect for layered designs.
  • Users: Designers needing transparency and clients sharing logos with backgrounds.


  • Best for: Web and scalable vector-based designs.
  • Description: Vector format, ideal for scalability. Retains quality at any size.
  • Users: Web designers needing scalable logos for responsive websites, developers for web applications.

When to Use Each Logo Format


  • For high-quality print materials, use PDF or EPS for their scalability and precision. JPG can be suitable for simple prints with minimal scaling.


  • JPGs work well for most web graphics, while PNG and SVG formats are excellent for transparency and scalability.


  • Designers may prefer EPS or PDF for their editable layers and vector-based precision.

Everyday Use: 

  • Clients can use JPGs or PNGs for general purposes, like presentations and social media.

Universal, Transparent, Scalable, or Editable?


  • JPG and PNG are compatible with most devices, suitable for widespread use.


  • PNG and SVG maintain transparency, while JPG does not.


  •  EPS, PDF, and SVG offer scalability without quality loss. JPGs can pixelate when enlarged.


  • PDF and EPS files often contain editable layers for designers.

Choosing the right logo format ensures your brand looks professional, consistent, and high-quality across all platforms. Keep these considerations in mind as you grow your business, and don't miss our downloadable cheat sheet to simplify your logo file decisions.


Click here to get our comprehensive logo file cheat sheet to help you choose the perfect format for your brand every time.