
Brand & Website Revamp

Bossy Boots Early Learning Centre

The Bossy Boots Kingscliff Story

Since opening its doors in 1995, Bossy Boots has been a home to hundreds of families with little members. Bossy Boots sought to be one of the top choices in early childhood education in Kingscliff, and it has continuously proven to do so over the years.One of its former team members, Candis Henry, saw more opportunities to grow Bossy Boots. So when she found out that it’s for sale, she quickly jumped on it. 

What Bossy Boots Needed

As Candis took over the reins and became Bossy Boots Kingscliff’s Director, she felt that it was time to give its branding a fresh look. More and more facilities have popped up within the area over the years, so an updated branding, website and marketing strategies are what is needed to stay relevant.

The Solution We Provided

Keeping Bossy Boots’ origins in mind, we happily worked on all the assets needed to rebrand it. We first took on the branding, as this is the foundation that will set the tone for all other aspects such as the website and marketing efforts. The result is branding that’s aligned with the times, and attracts potential clients easily. 

Next, we built one of the most important touch points, the website. It was a complete turn around from the older version. We made it as easy to use and visually appealing as possible, so parents can easily go through the process of reading Bossy Boots’ story, explore the facilities online and book a tour..

To re-introduce Bossy Boots to the community, we also equipped them with 3 months worth of digital marketing strategy. We carefully prepared content relevant to its audience, using the branding assets we developed and copy that not only informs parents about Bossy Boots Kingscliff operations, but other forms of information, presented in a fun way families can digest.

As a result, we’ve rebranded Bossy Boots Kingscliff to a more fun, and modern-looking brand for an early learning centre. The visuals and elements we used are more appealing, and much more reflective of the fun times every child who enrols will have! 

We’re so excited to see how the new chapter for Bossy Boots Kingscliff unfold as Candis and her team continue to make it a home away from home for every child and their families.

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Bossy Boots Early Learning Centre
Hayley was great, very prompt, and professional, always giving me confidence in the process. Before working with WQ Creative, I didn't have a logo, brand kit, or website, so I needed their help so much. My website has not only been [a great resource] for families, but we have also hired new educators because our website is so beautiful and reflects our business so much. The extras you provided that I didn't know I needed, like the brand kit, I have used so much. Your content creation for our initial business growth was amazing. Yes, for sure, I would recommend WQ Creative to other businesses!
Candis Henry
January 4, 2023
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